Work in any mature application for some time, and sooner or later you will find yourself having to iterate through all rows of dataset. For example, when you have to migrate data. Unfortunately, doing it correctly in Elixir, using just the Ecto library, is currently not easy.
For this reason, we have just published an open-source library called ecto_cursor_based_stream that allows you to efficiently stream all rows of any Ecto schema.
Click here for full documentation. To explain why the library is needed, and how it works, keep reading this article.
Why current solutions are not enough
If you use Repo.all
to iterate through the rows, you will make the process load all of them at once into the process memory. Such an approach is out of a question, given you want to treat the project seriously. Assuming the dataset will grow endlessly with time, at best, it is a matter of months when your process starts to crash when trying to load thousands of rows at once.
If you use to iterate through the rows, you may be fine. Until some time, given your application grows enough and given you use such a database as PostgreSQL under the hood. If so, once your dataset grows to millions of rows, such a transaction will be troublesome to your database. That’s because the whole streaming operation is surrounded by a database transaction. The longer and larger such a transaction is, the more memory it consumes on your database.
Imagine you are iterating through two millions of rows in one database transaction and also inserting or updating some other rows during this transaction. Until the whole transaction is committed, the database has to keep it in a temporary storage.
This caused problems to us several times. For example, it caused a long slowdown on one of our database replicas, causing it to be lagged behind the primary database node. This made our application serve invalid (stale) data to the end users. We had to kill the transaction with the streaming operation and find another way to iterate through all the rows.
(We weren’t the only ones to encounter such problems. For example, GitLab did too.)
Custom solutions
In response, our engineers started to implement streaming the rows by themselves. For example, they fetched the rows in bulks in separate transactions, using offset-based pagination (e.g. LIMIT 50 OFFSET 200
Unfortunately, this caused pagination code to appear randomly throughout several places of our codebase.
Sometimes the pagination code was hand-crafted by the engineer, causing it to be wrong.
- Offset-based pagination has terrible performance. Using it in Postgres on tables containing millions of rows is never a good idea. (Why? You can find a lot of articles on the Internet explaining it. In short, asking the database to retrieve the 200th page is as “cheap” as asking it to get all the 200 pages at once. It is not cheap, it’s extremely expensive from the performance perspective.)
- Offset-based pagination can cause invalid behaviour. For example, if any rows get inserted while the pagination is ongoing, you may end up getting duplicated results, or even worse, some results may be skipped completely.
- Last but not least, sometimes the pagination would be handcrafted on the spot. This is terrible as well, for simple reasons. The more code you have, the higher chance of a bug in it. Believe it or not, it’s quite easy to make a mistake in code like
i + 1 > n
, causing you to omit the last row or page.
So, as a solution, we decided to implement it once and for all, in a good, performant way.
Cursor-based pagination as the solution
Cursor-based pagination is a very popular and often the best way of iterating through large datasets. Google it and you’ll find dozens of articles describing how it works and why it is better than offset-based pagination.
A very short explanation: imagine you can cheaply get n
rows, sorted by some column (called “cursor column”), starting with rows for which the cursor column value is larger than a given cursor
. Then, you could easily paginate through all of the rows, getting e.g. 100 rows each, each time asking for rows of which the cursor column value is larger than the largest value on the previous page.
In most of the databases, such as PostgreSQL, if you have a primary column such as id
, the above assumption is already true. Getting n
rows sorted by their ID, with ID larger than cursor
, is nearly an instant operation.
Why is it the way to go in data migrations?
Four simple reasons:
- It is performant. Nearly every database table has a primary key column. Retrieving rows in a sorted deterministic order is not a problem.
- It needs no database transaction. If your data migration will last hours or days, there’s no problem anymore with having to commit it all in a single database transaction.
- It can be continued at any moment. Both in data migrations and front-end applications, it is useful to be able to resume the pagination from a certain point. As long as you know what the last cursor value was, you can continue iterating the rows starting from it.
- No rows that have existed prior to the operation will ever be skipped. Cursor-based pagination guarantees that you will not receive any duplicates, nor any existing rows will be skipped. The only rows that may be skipped are rows that are inserted during the operation. In data migrations that isn’t a problem though, as you usually need to iterate only through the old rows. (The new rows are already “migrated”.)
Does cursor-based pagination have any drawbacks? I know one:
Rows need to be sorted by (a) certain column(s) and the values for this/these column(s) must be unique throughout the whole dataset. This may be problematic sometimes. For example, let’s assume you need to iterate through news articles in a sorted ascending order by their publish date. If you were to do it using cursor-based pagination, having the rows sorted just by a published_at
column would not be sufficient. If the script encountered two or more rows with the same cursor value, some of them could end up being skipped.
The workaround is to add more cursor columns (e.g. sort by [:published_at, :id]
), so that the sort order is always deterministic. Or, to go with a different sorting order.
Use ecto_cursor_based_stream
As the final solution, we’d like to recommend using our newly published ecto_cursor_based_stream library.
It gives you a Repo.cursor_based_stream(opts \\ %{})
function that mimics
interface, but uses cursor-based pagination under the hood. Example usage:
|> MyRepo.cursor_based_stream()
|> Stream.each(...)
It accepts optional parameters such as:
- name of a unique field, by which all rows will be sorted,:after_cursor
- cursor value from which the streaming should be started,:max_rows
- “page size” to define how large the queried data chunks under the hood will be.
To use the library, you simply:
- Add it to your project
file like this:
def deps do
{:ecto_cursor_based_stream, "~> 1.0.1"}
- Add
use EctoCursorBasedStream
to the module that uses Ecto.Repo:
defmodule MyRepo do
use Ecto.Repo
use EctoCursorBasedStream
For more info, see the documentation and the source code.
Give it a try! If you like it, we’d love your support by starring us on GitHub and sharing the news about the library throughout your teams and projects 🙏
And if you don’t like it - let us know why 🙂
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